Zidoo Home Theater v4.1.65 (RTD1619)

This version is from the UHD3000 beta firmware v6.3.66

Versionv4.1.65 (RTD1619)
ReleaseZidoo UHD3000 beta firmware v6.3.66(_G)
checksum file*
DownloadOneDrive Download

As always, use it at your own risk!

Your device need to be rooted ☛ Guide: How to root your RTD1619 based Zidoo device

  1. download zipped apk
  2. download the latest Android SDK Platform-Tools for the platform of your choice
  3. extract downloaded Android SDK Platform-Tools archive to your local machine e.g. C:\platform-tools
  4. extract zidoo_poster_4.1.65.zip with path into folder e.g. C:\Downloads

  5. open cmd window or shell and change to folder platform-tools
  6. Connect to your Zidoo IP adress
    C:\platform-tools\adb connect
    connected to
  7. C:\platform-tools\adb root
    restarting adbd as root
  8. C:\platform-tools\adb remount
    remount succeeded
  9. C:\platform-tools\adb push C:\Downloads\zidoo_poster /system/app
    C:\Downloads\zidoo_poster\: 3 files pushed, 0 skipped. 64.6 MB/s (51138310 bytes in 0.755s)
  10. C:\platform-tools\adb reboot
1. Optimized tmdb episodes matching function.
2. Optimized TV series name display in the newly created collection.
3. Added year display reminder to the collection list.
4. Optimize watch history function
5. Added custom keywords for 'Ignore the word at the start of the title while sorting by name'
6. Added custom keywords for 'Ignore folders and files while scraping '
7. Added the year display switch on the collection interface.
8. Added the function of sliding out the details at the poster overspread interface
9. Added the device renaming function in the widget.
10. Optimized bookmark function.

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