Guide: How to restore your Home Theater data

The purpose of this guide is to show you how to restore your Home Theater data.

As precondition, please read the guide “How to use Android Debug Bridge” first.

After you’ve opened a connection to your Zidoo player, enter these commands in your (Windows/Linux/Mac) Terminal (not adb shell!):

adb push -a BACKUP-20230717-233349.ztb /sdcard/Download/

copy BACKUP-20230717-233349.ztb from the current folder to your Zidoo player

adb push -a HomeTheater.tar /sdcard/Download/

copy HomeTheater.tar from the current folder to your Zidoo player

adb shell rm -rf /sdcard/.HomeTheater/

remove recursive /sdcard/.HomeTheater

adb shell tar -xvf /sdcard/Download/HomeTheater.tar

extract tar archive /sdcard/Download/HomeTheater.tar to /sdcard/.HomeTheater

Screenshot 2023 07 18 002215
Screenshot 2023 07 18 002737

Restore library

Open Home Theater and go to Settings ➛ Library

select Backup file path. Navigate to Storage/Download and select your backup file


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