I often wonder myself what exactly is the reason you press the Dislike button for.
Page “Zidoo Z9X Firmware Download v6.4.65” got 13 dislikes or page “EverSolo DMP-A6 Firmware Download” got 10 dislikes, but for what reason?
Please write me in the comment what you dislike.
Here is a list of disliked post/pages:
Do people think you’re the developer?
Either that or they’re just bored.
I’m responsible for just one single dislike of a post: the “internal-test-version” topic for obvious reasons. Otherwise I really like every single one of your topics.
I Don’t know why you would dislike the internal test version……. if you don’t want to get it, don’t! it’s as simple as that, but disliking things for stupid reasons like yours is why he asked the question. It’s rude and unappreciative of all the work he puts in (that is free by the way) cause you’re too snobby to like the internal test version does not mean it deserves a dislike!!
for the firmwares…..they might dislike the status of which the firmware is in ( always buggy and beta)
that has nothing to do with McBluna or this site besides providing a means to download them more efficiently than Zidoo’s slow server.
I know..you know..but does every one know or care?