I’ve had to remove the links to firmware downloads classified as internal test version.


I’ve been informed that the Zidoo developers are quite annoyed about me posting the internal test versions. From now on I’ll post only the information but not the firmware itself. My intention was to keep you informed about the progress behind the scenes, and not people complaining on the Zidoo forum about issues they have with the internal test versions.

6 thoughts on “I’ve had to remove the links to firmware downloads classified as internal test version.”

  1. I would have thought people would be smarter. You always mention “leaked”.

  2. I’m really shocked. As darky mentioned already, you always state that they are leaked and also that somebody must be nuts to install them.
    May I propose a different strategy? I’d be glad if the new firmware versions would still be available, but only for logged in users…
    It would be a real pity not to get your invaluable links anymore… thanks mcbluna for everything so far!

  3. I was the one who said on the Zidoo forum that the firmware had major problems. But I just wanted to point this out and warn other users as some users have been talking about firmware 1.0.80. I just reported that it is dangerous to install this firmware. And I had to do a recovery install to get the player working again. I didn’t complain or ask for support. I always realize that something like this can happen when I install test firmware.

    • you should never mention not official firmware on an official forum 😉

  4. Definitely agree these shouldn’t be public, they are internal testing versions for a reason and could easily brick people devices.
    We don’t know if a particular testing firmware requires a debug header connected or some console command to function, or if it is hard coded to talk to some internal server for example.

    Knowing there are versions in testing is good, actually trying to use them on consumer retail hardware is not good. they are open enough to release public beta firmware semi-regularly and that is good enough.

  5. Any idea when an official firmware or beta based off this internal version may actually be released? I’d love to test the release but I’d feel safer with a beta release rather than an internal test version. I’m just getting a bit discouraged with the firmware releases or lack of issued by Zidoo so far. Thx

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