How to use dash and underscore in the Server name of your RTD1619BPD based Zidoo player

The purpose of this guide is to show you an alternative way to change the Server name of your Zidoo player with the use of the Android Debug Bridge.

The default way to change the Server name is to go to Settings → Network → Samba server → Modify

For any reason I’m not able to enter dash, underscore or use copy/paste.

Let’s set the Server name via Android Debug Bridge.

Open a terminal and connect to your Zidoo player either by name or IP Address.

C:\Users\McBlu>adb start-server
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully

C:\Users\McBlu>adb connect
connected to

C:\Users\McBlu>adb shell
RealtekStark:/ # setprop persist.zidoo.smb.servername ZIDOO_Z9X-Pro
RealtekStark:/ # reboot

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