Zidoo Guide

How to get Google Chrome on your RTD1619BPD based Zidoo player #2

This is an update of my post “How to get Google Chrome on your RTD1619BPD based Zidoo player“.

Successfully tested on the McBluna.net Testbed

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McBluna.net preferred seller zidoo.de

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scrcpy v2.4

pronounced “screen copy

This application mirrors Android devices (video and audio) connected via USB or over TCP/IP, and allows to control the device with the keyboard and the mouse of the computer. It does not require any root access. It works on Linux, Windows and macOS.


Successfully tested on the McBluna.net Testbed

supported by

McBluna.net preferred seller zidoo.de
McBluna.net Testbed with scrcpy

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Zidoo Z20 Pro

Zidoo Z20 Pro firmware v1.0.80(_G) (internal test version)

I’ve leaked this firmware from the Zidoo server. It has not been official released. I’m posting this just for informational reasons.


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