MKVToolNix v66.0.0

MKVToolNix is a set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files under Linux, other Unices and Windows.



Release Date


SHA-256 checksum file*


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## New features and enhancements

* mkvpropedit: added a new option `--chapter-charset` allowing the user to specify the character set to use when reading the following chapter file. Implements #3276.
* MKVToolNix GUI: each language shortcut can now be associated with an optional track name that is set along with the language when the shortcut is used. This is an alternative to the feature requested in #3283.

## Bug fixes

* mkvmerge: Ogg/OGM reader: mkvmerge will no longer abort with an exception when it encounters Vorbis comments that contain data that isn't valid UTF-8. Fixes #3290.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: fixed several issues with the tab order of elements in the "properties" pane and the "output" tab. Also fixed the language display widgets (e.g. "track language" in the "properties" pane) never receiving tab focus. Fixes #3274.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the chapter name template will now be passed to `mkvmerge` if a chapter file is selected on the "output" tab. Fixes #3295.

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